/vip/ sure does suck, and /lounge/ is quite varied, but this place...is just boring. There's no edge. I don't know why I'm telling you this...just wondered what you'd think.
It's all too reserved. With no extremes in either direction...it's just small talk.
Feel free to prove me wrong.
>prove me wrong
Please come with me to the Tanasinn chamber, sir.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the people that post on /lounge/ also post here and on 4-ch. Perhaps you should vary your board perusal
PISS OFF! I like this place like a MOTHERFUCKER!
I don't think /vip/ counts as a board. It's more like a posting sandbox.
@@@@@@@@@ i@LÍMj@ƒ@Sandbox, eh?
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To say the truth I agree with OP. No matter how much I want to like this place and appreciate the friendly community, it simply doesn't entertain me enough to make me want to visit everyday. I kind of envy you guys who stick with this place.
I do enjoy the imageboard, though.
if only the hipster thread didn't get ruined by unfunny posters
I think I know the problem.
It's too deep for you.
@@@@@@@@@ i@LÍMj@ƒ@Bond snax, eh?
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I tried to show my friendstext BBS like DQN and Lounge, but they didn't quite enjoy them. I don't want them coming to SAoVQ, though because while the community is friendlier they may upset the balance.
Taking it easy is the VIP thing to do.
I think we held ourselves to a lot higher standards before, everyone would freak out whenever metadiscussion started. Now no one really cares about anything.
I will have you know that we are simply some seriously chill-ass motherfuckers, sir.
VIP is in its SAoVQ. All is right in the world.