(@₯ิΦ₯ิ) How should I wear my hair today?
Wear it in a VIP fashion. I will let you leave that up to your imagination.
That said, I wish I had the time to try to style my hair better. Most days it just looks tanasinn. I wish it were longer...then I could do more with it. I'm trying to grow it out so that I can have nice waves. You know what I can't stand though? Having things that constrict my hair in my hair, like scrunchies or clips or things like that. I like my hair to flow freely...it feels so much nicer and comfortable that way. People who wear their hair up look so...uptight. That's not very VIP. Don't you agree? I just hope using that conditioner will be enough...maybe I have to start using something stronger, or going to a better hairstylist. Maybe I should comb it different. Actually, going back to your problem of how to wear your hair, perhaps the most VIP way would be to try a different style that you've never done before (hopefully with as little restriction using hairpins and clips as possible)...maybe it could be as subtle as draping your hair (is it long?) along one side, or maybe just combing it a certain way that is a little different from the norm. But really, I think the best way is to wear your hair as if it were your heart...are you emotionally sound today? Or do you want to express your emotions? Your hair is a great outlet for that. I could go on FOREVER about how hair has become soooo important for impressions of yourself on others...so...I guess the best way to wear your hair is how YOU would wear it! Maybe the best option is to go with what you usually go with, because that is YOUR style and YOUR identity. Yeah, so take back what I said, I really meant to tell you that you should keep it the way it is because it probably is really awesome and VIP! I hope I didn't ramble too much...
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I'm a man and I feel oppressed ITT
This is a redundant thread considering that fact that only kawaii asian women post on SAOVQ. The four poster is our imaginary boyfriend.
Can I post in this thread if I'm a hermaphrodite with functioning male and female reproductive organs?
Such talk of styled hair and moe waifus! Gotta be honest over here, SAoVQ, as a being of pure energy I'm feeling a little bit left out.
Can I post her if I am a male crossdresser?
Let's be honest: Men suck at math. Why don't they leave all those tough proofs and myriad technical notation to the infinitely more well-adapted female mind? I'll bet if not for their exaggerated libido and sense of importance (You can go out and shoot a deer to bring home for dinner? I've already got vegetable stew, you ape, because we have a farm which harvests much healthier junk than the burned muscles of animals), they would all be tucking their dicks behind their legs and allowing us to tutor them on matters we actually do understand, such as the differential topology and even quantum-harmonic applications of knot theory.
Men make me sick.
Thank you for notifying me of the presence of unintentional VIP QUALITY.
(@₯ิΦ₯ิ) Males are icky. Tee-hee.
Make sure he is VIP QUALITY of course!
VIP Quality men are so hard to come by these days. If only I could find one like Daddy Cool
Attractive men are assholes. There's no way around it.
Nobody wants a pushover nice guy. +‘('Ν')+‘
WforM- lOoKiNg fOr tAll cAt wItH bIg nOsE; mUsT bE dRug anD dIsEaSe fReE. iS pLuS iF nAmEd dAdDyCoOl. nO mItTeNs
tee hee
Actually my boyfriend is a cute androgynous nerd. He's probably a genius as well. But he is HOT AS SKILLETS
Are women interested in an average looking guy who respects women, and who actually hit someone once for calling a woman "bitch"?
Does misanthropy count as being an asshole? I'm not particularly mean, in fact I try to be as courteous and well mannered as possible, but boy do I hate people.
Finding boyfriends is hard. Let's go shopping!
Credit cards are a girl's best friend
Single male looking for VIP girlfriend. Will subsidize spending habits to include liqour and or booze. Will buy cam.
How ugly/fat are you? As women we are able to overlook your repulsiveness as long as you have money, but there is a limit.
Six two one hundred and ninety pounds. Very fit. Attractive. Socially awkward. Korean.
Very lonely will put up with anything just to not feel like I will die alone.
Do Korean men generally have good job stability?
(@₯ิΦ₯ิ) The results are back
(@₯ิΦ₯ิ) I'm pregnant
(@₯ิΦ₯ิ) It's...Tablecat!
@@@@@@@@@ i@LΝMj@ She couldn't resist me.
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@@@@@@@@@ i@LΝMj@ Everybawdy knows gurls can't do shit but suck deek
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@@@@@@@@@ i@LΝMj@@More feminist than your average womyn
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@@@@@@@@@ i@LΝMj@@Burn your bras!
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Ah, pretending to be a girl on IRC never quite loses its fun!
It's more fun on Omegle...although half the time I just act the way I usually do and the Stranger assumes I'm female.
Wow, she is so damn hot! She is so hot that I would not mind smelling her ass when she farts. I just want to hear her fart, and get my face in her ass, and smell her hot, succulent, natural ass-perfume, and smell the seat she is sitting in for her farts! Mmmm! Delicious. That would make me so euphoric better than any drug. Female farts: one of the best sounds and smells on earth!
@@@@@a@ Run! I'll take care of the rest!
>>23 Plenty of attractive men are polite.
Too bad they already have boyfriends.
At last, let's take this stupid thread off of the map.
I have a feeling some of the VIPPERs replying are not female at all.
Why don't you reach into my pants and find out, Vipper? ( ≖‿≖)