It occurred to me today how easy it would be to make a generic Korean grinding MMO, then charge twelve year olds for special items. It could use a similar engine ideology as the freeware FPS AssaultCube (namely, that the client PC does most of the computation) to save huge amounts of bandwidth, and it could be distributed with torrents, to cut down costs even more. A year or two of programming/modeling/art/whatever work, a couple thousand dollars of startup fees (for servers, semi-nice internet connections, etc), and we could be rolling in the VIPCOINS! Oh, and we'd IP range-ban all Brazilians!
Who's with me? Anyone got a thousand bucks laying around?
I have a thousand bucks kicking around, but like hell I'm gonna blow it on developing a MMO.
I wonder how much money those no-name MMOs actually make. I imagine they have ways of minimizing the cost of production, but still... They're providing a connection to thousands of people at once, maybe a small percentage of which will pay $5 for the ultimate hat or whatever. How does that work? How do they profit, let alone stay in business? Am I underestimating the amount of money that Koreans will spend on silly MMOs?
You are underestimating the amount of time and money Korean's spend on that shit. Withing three blocks of my place we have five PC Parlors, all of them are packed all night and they only have MMOs. Thing is the market is over saturated right now. There is an insane number of games here and the market probably can't support another.
Too many MMORPG's? Market too saturated? Easy: make an MMORTS, or take any other genre and put "MMO-" in front of it.
Who knows, people might soon be producing clones of your incredibly successful and groundbreaking MMO-shmup. Of course you'll need to introduce RPG elements like items or XP to make it competitive, but it'll still be something different.
Make a MMO casual puzzle game. Imagine a MMO Bejeweled or something. I'm not sure how it would work, but it sounds like an idea that would print money.
IIRC, there is an MMO-shmup. I remember reading about it a few years back. I think it was even based off of Castle Shikigami, but I'm probably wrong on that part.
MMORTS though, that's something I could get in on...
You are thinking rather than feeling. Please continue feeling to remain Tanasinn.
Only a lesser man follows his feelings.
Such a man surely could not be called VIP QUALITY.
He's only a part of the much larger problem, one that can only be fixed if we try our hardest to be VIP.
It's something we all strive to be.
MMO auto racing would work.
Charge everybody money to drive something better than a Chevy Vega, Ford Pinto, Mitsubishi Colt, or Hyundai Excel.
What if we had people gamble real money on virtual sheep races?
>>1 has opened this splendid THREAD. Thank you very much, >>1.
I'm most honored to see a THREAD opened by a respectful person as >>1.
I respect >>1 very much. I will tell my children and grandchildren about >>1's exploit.
Whenever I read this THREAD, I feel better as if my whole body is purified.
I wonder why a nice person like >>1 is not invited to the garden party.
I respect >>1 very much.
Take care, and please watch over us.
Thank you again for this lovely THREAD.
This has already been done, except there are tons of Brazilians!