[Post] What you are currently watching [VIP PROGRAMS] (53)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 05:30 [Del]

Please. Beck 2004. AngelBeats.2010,

2 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 05:32 [Del]

and not just ANIME

3 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 05:32 [Del]

and not just ANIME

4 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 07:11 [Del]

and not just ANIME

5 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 08:33 [Del]

Breaking Bad season 2 and The Wire season 4.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 09:18 [Del]

Rewatching Sh15uya, it's kinda weird and low budget, but it's got Aragaki Yui.

7 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 13:50 [Del]

and not JUST anime

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 19:40 [Del]

AND not just anime

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-12 23:00 [Del]

About three months ago, I set up my cable box to record everyday a full 30-minutes cycle of Euronews (the last channel emitting news in my native language that has not become either a CNN clone full of shouting heads, or a local human-interest entertainment program devoid of world politics). I usually watch the first part of it each morning while biking stationarily, I stop as soon as they mention sports.
For various reasons, I recently had to catch up with a 8 days worth of it.
It made me realize that never once in my life I gained anything by watching the news, anything worth knowing about international shit going down eventually reaches me from the internet anyway.
Now I have 10 minutes to fill with better fluff everyday.
I guess I'll watch more Japanese cartoons.

13 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-13 10:44 [Del]

I was watching the Dead Space Movie, and now I'm watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. In the future, I hope to watch Ran(japanese movie)

14 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-13 12:42 [Del]

Adventure Time!

15 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-13 19:28 [Del]

BBW pr0n

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-13 21:04 [Del]


I LOVE HEARING .:.::::::::::::,r ´ ̄`ヽー- 、_ .:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:. 
MYSELF TALK に .:.::::::::::/  ,'′     `、\ .:.:::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.  
   MUST  根 な .:.:::::::/          `、 \ .:.:::::::::::::::.:.:.: 
POST SHITTY く .:.::::::/    入,, _      `、 \ .:.:::::::::.:.:. 
:  境POSTS  巨 .:.:.,′ ,'  /ゝ、j ;    _ ,,,..、  _ゝ、..:::::::::.:. 
:WHERE I TALK   .::::|  / /込ソ^ヾ、        、  \.:.:.:.: 
TO ONLY    .::::!   / ̄ ..   `>'"´    i   `i .::: 
.:.:. :MYSELF!.  し .::/ i  / .:.::::.:.:.  /   .;'.   ,イ;. :  ヽ ::.
.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.  た .:/ ,' / .:.::::.:  / , ;.;.'    , イハ     \::.:. :. 
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:   / ,' / .:.:.::::  / , ;.;.'   /ヽ_ノノト、   ,'   \:::.
:::::::::::::::::::.   _ __/ ,/ .:.:::::..: / ,′.;   / .:.: {彡ソ^、
::::::::::::::::.:. と´__`ノ .:.:.:::::::.: / ,'    /  .:.::::. !ノ′.:.`、 .: ;. :
::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.. .   . . .: .:.:.::::::.:. V ´ ̄`ヽ .:.:.::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:..:\.: .:;;
::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.::  __ _ _ .  |  ;   i .:.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:. \.:;
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:  ヾ彡:.:.:.::::::::::``ヽ  i   | .:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.
:::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.  /^^`ヾ,,;:::::::::::::::::::.\,   | .:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.
:::::::::::::::::::.   /jト、    `ゞ;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::\ | .:.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:..
::::::::::.:.:   _,ゝ ト、\    ``ヲ;;;;;;;:::::::::::::ヽ :.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .: .:. : .: .: .: .:.. :
:::.:.:.:: r '"´   `ヾミゞ、  ,イ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::゙,::.:.:
:::::.:. ト、  i  `ヽ    i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:::::::::i.:.:..  
:::.:.:. ,}   ′    ,'  j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:::::|:::.:.:.  UGH! I LOVE THE TASTE
:::::.:. j二ヽ.      ,'   /,r'⌒ヾ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:,'.:.:.:.: OF MY CUM!
::.:.  /ー-'         ,イヲ/i!;;;;;;;:::.::.:.:::/.:.:.:.:.:.:
::.:  )           ゞイソ´  ̄ ̄ ``ヽ、.:.:.:.:
::.:. ( _ ____, イー-,イ´          \ っ  
:::::.:.:.:. . .     /  /                 た.  
::::::::::::::::.:.:.: /  /                    :  

18 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-13 21:10 [Del]

           //./| |
          //./ /|. |
        //./|/::/| |          _______________
        □/ / // | |.          |
        | |/.;;;;//.  | ||.         | And now, we'll execute >>16.
        | | ;;;;;;//   | |||         |_
        | |.;;;//    | |.||     ∧ ∧  |/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        | |//..    | | ||.    ( ・∀・)←
        | |/.     | |. ||    (    )           Woohoo~  Oh yeah~
 ______.| |___//| ||__ / | | |__
        | |   //  |. ̄∠/(__(__) /.|          ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧ ∧.
..∧_∧   (| |⌒/. ∧ ∧⊃イヤァァァ.     //|         (´-`;)(@・ )(;´∀)(
( ・∀・).(⌒| |//(;´Д`) ←>>16  //  |        ∧∧ ∧ ∧  ∧_∧. ∧∧
(    )  ̄| |/ (⊃ /  ⊂.⊃.   //   |       (∀・ )( ´,_ゝ)(   )(´∀`
| | |.   | |    /   └─┘ //   /.      ∧_∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧. ∧_∧
(__)_)   | |  /         //   /       <_`  )(´・ω)(д゚` )(
        | |/         //   /.       ∧_∧ ∧ ∧ ∧_∧. ∧_∧ ∧
        ~~         //   /        (   )( ゚∀゚)(`   )(   )(゚д
.                //   /        ∧_∧ ∧_∧  ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
.               //   /         (д- )(   )( ´,_ゝ)(TдT)(∀` )

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-13 21:16 [Del]


21 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-14 02:56 [Del]

           //./| |
          //./ /|. |
        //./|/::/| |          _______________
        □/ / // | |.          |
        | |/.;;;;//.  | ||.         | And now, we'll execute >>16.
        | | ;;;;;;//   | |||         |_
        | |.;;;//    | |.||     ∧ ∧  |/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        |  |//..    | | ||.    ( ・∀・)←POINTING
        | |/.     | |. ||    (    )           Woohoo~  Oh yeah~
 ______.| |___//| ||__ / | | |__
        | |   //  |. ̄∠/(__(__) /.|          ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧ ∧.
..∧_∧   (| |⌒/. ∧ ∧⊃イヤァァァ.     //|         (´-`;)(@・ )(;´∀)(
( ・∀・).(⌒| |//(;´Д`) ←>>16  //  |        ∧∧ ∧ ∧  ∧_∧. ∧∧
(    )  ̄| |/ (⊃ /  ⊂.⊃.   //   |       (∀・ )( ´,_ゝ)(   )(´∀`
| | |.   | |    /   └─┘ //   /.      ∧_∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧. ∧_∧
(__)_)   | |  /         //   /       <_`  )(´・ω)(д゚` )(
        | |/         //   /.       ∧_∧ ∧ ∧ ∧_∧. ∧_∧ ∧
        ~~         //   /        (   )( ゚∀゚)(`   )(   )(゚д
.                //   /        ∧_∧ ∧_∧  ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
.               //   /         (д- )(   )( ´,_ゝ)(TдT)(∀` )

22 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-14 13:09 [Del]

You mention one shitty show, and they cut your head off!

23 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-14 15:11 [Del]

>>22 Such is the VIPOCRACY

24 Name: RED GUARD : 2010-04-14 16:39 [Del]


( ・∀・)    Stop right there! What sort of anti-revolutionary AA are you?

ε ⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ
(   (  ・Д・)   No, I swear I love the revolution! NO, NOOOOO!
しー し─J

25 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-16 03:44 [Del]

I just watched a marathon of 30 Rock.

26 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-16 06:04 [Del]

           |┃< >>25, POOP GOES IN THE TOILET! NOT ON SAOVQ!
           |┃ドンドン!!                    |    丶 _    .,!     ヽ
           |┃       ドンドンドン!!            >     ``‐.`ヽ、  .|、     |
           |┃  (⌒) 三                   ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
.   シェルター  |┃三/ | ニ   ____    (⌒)        |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
           |┃  |  |   /ノ  ヽ  \  / |  ミ      `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
           |┃  !  、 /(○ )::(○ ) u\/ |        、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
           |┃   \./:::::::(_人_)::::::::  i'   |       、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
           |┃     |     )ww)     |  |      ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
           |┃.    \    `ー"      ノ     ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
           |┃         \ .    .   \   _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
           |┃          \          \,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
           |┃        I told you not to eat that!,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
           |┃   old and moldy burrito!  ,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
           |┃             \   ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
           |┃                 \,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ , .-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
                             j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
                           ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
                             `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
                            ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
                               `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、                 : ..,、ー'"'`
                                       : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''"

27 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-16 08:49 [Del]


                 ∧_∧       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                ( ´∀` )     <I will help clean up that poop! I'll hold him down while you stuff the poop back in!
              /∧_∧ ⌒\    \__It is always best to help a VIPPER out whenever you can! As a VIPPER, you are
              / ,(´・ω・`)   |        not just posting for yourself; you are also posting for the whole community.
         /⌒\⌒      ⌒/⌒\ 
    ()()( )( )( )_|_/⌒ξ⌒\|_( )( )( )()()
    (       |__/⌒∩⌒\__|      ,)
    (       |     (人)     |      ノ
    |     |,       *      |     |
    |      |\___人___/|      |
     |      |. /  /    \   |      |
     \__/  |  .|       |.  \__/
            |  .|      |  |
 .           |  .|..     |  |
 ..           |  .|     |  |
           (⌒  丿  .,.  \ ⌒ )
             ̄ ̄       . ̄ ̄

sponsored by the VPR (VIPPERS Revolutionary Party)

28 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-16 09:11 [Del]


>VIPPERS Revolutionary Party


29 Name: THE RED GUARD : 2010-04-16 09:46 [Del]


30 Name: VPR propaganda : 2010-04-16 10:07 [Del]

  Oh, hello.
        / ̄ ̄\   
      / ⌒  ⌒\      ____
      |::::::(●)(●) |   /      \
     . |:::::::::::(__人__)|  /  ⌒  ⌒  \
       |::::::::::::::` ⌒´ |/   (●) (●)   \  Hi, you may know me from such television shows as
     .  |::::::::::::::    } |     (__人__)    | 'I love Chairman Daddy' or 'Die, anti-revolutionary scum, die'.
     .  ヽ::::::::::::::    } \    ` ⌒´   _/ I'm here today to tell you about the inferior AA race.
        ヽ::::::::::  ノ   |           \
        /ヽ三\´    | |         |  |
-―――――|:::::::::::::::: \-―┴┴―――――┴┴――

31 Name: VPR propaganda : 2010-04-16 10:12 [Del]

     ヘ / ̄ ̄\フ
     /  ─   \
    ( ●)    (●)
.    |   (入__,,ノ  i
     |   (  /u  |   DERR DERR
.     |   |! |u   }
.      ヽ ι! .|   }
      εヽ;:i;l 。゚・ ノ
       しー し─J

Voiceover: AA such as these are vile and immoral AA have no place in our society.They are the causes of the recent stockmarket crash and for the sake of our children, we need to purify our AA race.

32 Name: VPR propaganda : 2010-04-16 10:17 [Del]

          ∧_∧    ガガガガガガガ
       ∧_∧^ω^)      ガガガガガガガッ!!!!!!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━     
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

Voiceover: In response, the gracious Chairman Daddy and his beautiful and loyal AA forces are working 24/7 to rid these scum from our society.

33 Name: VPR propaganda : 2010-04-16 10:18 [Del]

                    /    ..\
                  ../      ヽ. \
        / ̄ ̄\     (./       .ヽ. )
      /       \    /         l"
      |::::::        | .ノ           l
     . |:::::::::::      |  |  ─    ─   .::|    
       |::::::::::::::    | .| (●)  (●) .:::::|
     .  |::::::::::::::    }  |  (__人__)  ..:::::::|
     .  ヽ::::::::::::::    }  ヽ.._ ` ⌒´     _,ノ
        ヽ::::::::::  ノ    |          \
        /:::::::::::: く     | |        |  |
-―――――|:::::::::::::::: \――┴┴――――-┴┴――

Please, if you see any anti-revolutionary AA, report them to us. We will place them in a state sanctioned living area away from society. Some may know this place as Tanasinn Camp. Despite the rumors, no human right violations are going on in this place. Rest assured. We are trying to make this world a better place.

34 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-16 10:37 [Del]

Curious Nono

35 Name: VPR News : 2010-04-16 12:23 [Del]

 ☆    .    *      。      Φ
      ,:'∧∧ ヽ   
 +    !(´・ω・`) !
  *   !::.ロ.∵メ、
      (ソ (ソ  `ー 、       ☆
  。           ヽ
+     ☆          。      ~
                          .        _ ,.... -‐‐
                             ,...- ' ゙゙
                           , '´ヽ ヽ    _/
                        /   j´  `'ー、_ j
                        /  /`´      !ノ
                     /  '!.j
                    ,!'   `'

Voiceover: And next on tonight's programming, learn about our glorious missions into outerspace.

36 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 08:39 [Del]

It's freeleech week on Cinemageddon, and I don't even know where to start. Maybe some Godfrey Ho films?

37 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 13:02 [Del]

Meanwhile, in the Anti-VPR headquarters...

  ミ*´-`ミ'  As their latest evil deed, it seems VPR has been launching innocent citizens into space.
〜(,_uuノ'  Here's DQN-kun, reporting from the field. How are the anti-revolutionary efforts coming?

|        /⌒ヽ                  |
|       /(●)(●)'   Durrrrrrrrrrrr     |
|       | トェェェイ/'                 |
|       | /`ニニ´                 |
|       // | |'                   |
|      U  .U                    |
| _,,..-―'"⌒"~ ̄"~⌒゙゙"''''★            |   
|゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ''            |
|T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |`'            |
|,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/'             |
|,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ /              |
|_V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|_/''               |

  ミ*´ー`ミ Excellent, nya. Everything is going according to plan....

38 Name: VPR News : 2010-04-20 16:50 [Del]


        / ̄ ̄\   
      / ⌒  ⌒\      ____
       |::::::(●)(●) |   /      \
     . |:::::::::::(__人__)|  /  ⌒  ⌒  \  This just in! The anti-revolutionary forces have assembled
       |::::::::::::::` ⌒´ |/   (●) (●)   \ and caused an explosion on the bun-train system. The
     .  |::::::::::::::    } |     (__人__)    | explosion left 34 dead and 67 more injured. We have recreated
     .  ヽ::::::::::::::    } \    ` ⌒´   _/ a dramatization of the accident. Please watch this at your discretion.
        ヽ::::::::::  ノ   |           \
        /ヽ三\´    | |         |  |
   -――――|:::::::::::::::: \.-―┴┴―――――  .┴┴――

  ミ*´トェェイ`ミ HAHA, I AM A MANIAC!! I'm going to blow everyone to bits!
―  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 − ■■■■■■ ::::::\
             ( ^ω^)

39 Post deleted by user.

40 Name: VPR News : 2010-04-20 17:23 [Del]

       ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i
                 .i|        |i
                 i|        |i
                 .i|          .|i
                .i|   糞んし   |i
               .i|      ,,-、 、  |i
               i|      ノ::::i:::トiヽ、_.|i
           _,,  i|/"ヽ/:iヽ!::::::::ノ:::::Λ::::ヽ|i__n、ト、


        / ̄ ̄\   
      / ⌒  ⌒\      ____
       |::::::(●)(●) |   /      \
     . |:::::::::::(__人__)|  /  ⌒  ⌒  \  
       |::::::::::::::` ⌒´ |/   (●) (●)   \ On next, The National Quiz, after this commercial break.
     .  |::::::::::::::    } |     (__人__)    | 
     .  ヽ::::::::::::::    } \    ` ⌒´   _/
        ヽ::::::::::  ノ   |           \
        /ヽ三\´    | |         |  |
   -――――|:::::::::::::::: \.-―┴┴―――――  .┴┴――

41 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 17:48 [Del]

Back at the Anti-VPR headquarters...

  ミ*´-`ミ' The VPR bombing was a great success!
〜(,_uuノ' We have also now received footage that proves the VPR space mission was a fake...

  -( ゚∀゚.)-                       
           ∧,,∧   /  
          (・ω・ =) /
           O┬O )シャカシャカシャカ
;;⌒::.;;.⌒⌒/   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /::. :; ;⌒⌒:.:⌒:;⌒;;⌒   
..  ,::.;  /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /.., ,; .:   ,,。,.(◯)   ::
  : :::., /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /,,;  (◯)  ::: ヽ|〃  ;;:
.  ,:.; /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /.., ,; :ヽ|〃  ,,。,    ::;;,

42 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 17:53 [Del]

And now a word from the president...

( ´_⊃`) You're either with us, or you're with the Anti-VRP.Now watch this drive


Λ__Λ .⊂ )
(    ) .┃
(    ゝc┃

43 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 17:53 [Del]


          ∧_∧    ガガガガガガガ
       ∧_∧^ω^)      ガガガガガガガッ!!!!!!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━     
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒
HEY, anti-revolutionary scum! EAT BUN PELLETS!

  ミ*´-`ミ' Oh no! How did they find out about our hide out?
〜(,_uuノ' Do we have a spy among us?!

44 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:02 [Del]

           |::|::::| ||:||:||:||:||:||:| |::::|::|
          台 |::::| !!:!!:!!:!!:!!:!!:! |::::| 台
    _ __.iェェェ:|;;;;|二二二二二|;;;;|:ェェェi.___
....  |:::,-、::[.___[((〜.)()(.〜))].___]:: ,-、:::|
__ . |:::IIII :|:::┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐:::|:: IIII:::|_____
[]|::|[]|:::「」 :|:::││││││││││::.|:::「」 ::||[]|:::|[]|:::|[
[]|::|[]|:::「」 :|:::││││││││││::.|:::「」 ::||[]|:::|[]|/
__|;;|__|..__..|___|..│││┌─────┐__ ...:::||__|:;;|./"⌒
¬¬:::|::::::::|./. ┴┴┴..| NO BLOOD |.:i::::::::|¬¬;;;(, ..
....ニニ三三三三三三三| FOR VIP! |_三三ニニ−  
. .... ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧_∧ . ̄.└──┬──┘ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      ミ* ´-` ミ' 彡 ⌒ ミ .||ミ*´-` ミ'
      /~ヽつ つ ミ* ´-` ミ'||と と ヽ
      (⌒'  ノ )  (   //つ (⌒(⌒ )
     〈_フ(_フ (__Y__)  <_<_〉

45 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:04 [Del]

          ∧_∧    ガガガガガガガ
       ∧_∧^ω^)      ガガガガガガガッ!!!!!!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━     
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

46 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:06 [Del]

    /  /
   / ∩∧ ∧   Hey guys! What's going o-
   / .|( ・∀・)_
  // |   ヽ/
  " ̄ ̄ ̄"∪    

47 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:06 [Del]

          ∧_∧    ガガガガガガガ
       ∧_∧^ω^)      ガガガガガガガッ!!!!!!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━     
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

48 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:08 [Del]

  ≡ .( ・∀・ )Finally, I have saved enough VIPcoins for a segway! Wheee this is fun! I'll just spin by the Diet Buildin-
  -=( つ┯つ
 -=≡/  / //
.-=≡(__)/ )
  ,-= (◎) ̄))

49 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:08 [Del]

          ∧_∧    ガガガガガガガ
       ∧_∧^ω^)      ガガガガガガガッ!!!!!!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━     
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━  ━  ━
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

50 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 18:09 [Del]

  / リハ ヽ
  | |■-■
  | | ヮ.ノ | ♪Gotta get down to it, soldiers are cutting us down♪
  /w/\ヽ  。。。 
 | ||三U三m三Ε∃   
  \_|/-イ`, ゚ ゚ ゚
  /  ハ \
   ̄// | | ̄
   (__) (__)

51 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 19:34 [Del]

          ∧_∧    ガガガガガ...チェ..
       ∧_∧^ω^)      チェ...チェ...
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ 二 三  ━...チェ... 
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ━ ... click...click
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   click..
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

       ∧_∧``゚A゚)      Shit, we're out of ammo!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)  
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

52 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-20 21:01 [Del]

  / リハ ヽ
  | |■-■
  | | Дノ | Ow!
  /w/\ヽ  。。。 
 | ||三U三m三Ε∃   
  \_|/-イ`, ゚ ゚ ゚
  /  ハ \
   ̄// | | ̄
   (__) (__)

( ´_⊃`)...Fore

53 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-21 20:03 [Del]

Time to shoot laser beams
          ∧_∧    ガガガガガガガ
       ∧_∧^ω^)      ガガガガガガガッ!!!!!!
    ∧_∧ ・ω・)  ┏ ○┓_ _ _ 从.,    
  豆 ( `・ω・)  ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   __________     
  ├ (   ┏ ○┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   ________________________________
  ├ つ┏┓三((〓((━(。゚。)   _______------====///
  └ ≡≡≡ノ (__)  ̄   ⌒Y⌒

Hey! Don't cross the streams!

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