I know there have to be VIPPERs here who travel the world in search of excitement and adventure.
Coincidentally, where might a VIPPER travel in the summer if they have maybe enough VIPcoins to travel out of the States but not to anywhere like, say, Europe?
How many VIPcoins are we talking about? I'm sure you've already considered Japan. I believe you could stay there relatively inexpensively if you were willing to sleep in those hotel pods. What about Mexico? Or Canada?
Roughly 2000 USD worth of VIPcoins.
I never considered Japan as I have little interest in actually going there. Also, I was hoping to get out of North America.
Actually, now that I think about it, I pretty much discounted Europe from the start due to the shite exchange rate. Is there any way to see Europe on the cheap?
Just visit countries with a better rate. I believe Sweden's kroner for example is pretty weak against the dollar.
Go to Canada. I hear the landscape is lovely.
Going to Detroit for DEMF and then heading on to Montreal after that's over.
Dear Japan VIPPER (and other VIPPERs who might be visiting Japan),
I will be in Japan for the whole month of July so if you're in Japan, let's meet up and boon or something!
VIPPERS, I would like to spend a year in Europe somewhere. I'm not sure where yet, probably Spain or Scotland. Do any of you have any recommendations/advice for an American college student living on her own? (I might have a friend with me, depending on if she's able to come too. She would want to go to Germany though.)
If you go to Spain, be sure to try the blood sausage, it's delicious. Also, don't tell them you are American.
And don't try telling Europeans you're Canadian either. By now we know they're all Americans in disguise.
You could visit Ireland in August and we might VIP and drink whiskey together.
Scotland is cool if you don't mind the weather.
If you do come here, I recommend living in Central/West Glasgow. Edinburgh is a beautiful city but an inconvenient one to live in in comparison.
Unless you're looking to avoid the city life, of course, in which case try anywhere up North except for Shetland (Shetland is weird). The West Islands are kinda cool too.
Avoid the Borders & Dumfries (especially Dumfries).