When it's quiet, we sometimes get a catchy song stuck in our heads. For me, it's usually a combination of a couple different songs.
What are you listening to "in your head"?
Right now, I've got a mixture of the Stage 1 theme from the Saturn game "Bulk Slash" and Dave Rodgers' "Space Boy" going on.
Feast your brain on that.
I get always have multiple songs mixed together in my head. Right now it's the female vocals from The Roots "The Day" blending into a kind of Suizenji Kiyoko medley with the chorus of "Arigatou no Uta" featuring heavily.
It's been Foggy Dew for the last few days.
I have this stuck in my head all the time.
The riff from Superstition
"Sickness Changes Him" by Dong has been playing in my head for the last couple days.
It's from the free album 9801st Marriage Proposal
Open Arms by Journey, and I'm too lazy to post a youtube link.
If I were to post what plays in my head here, the world would explode.
So I will simply post the latest addition to the noise in my mind.
Feathery Wings by Voltaire
Good luck getting that out of your head.
Korean singer covering Skid Row
Back and forth, forth and back
Jungle Mike says "plaque is whack"
This just in, brush your teeth
Think of all the candy you can eat