1.) intro - i@L_T`j〰
2.) they take you - FTFX
3.) apropos pt.1 and 2 - SDBZ
4.) kiss on the cliff (original mix) - MrSimon
5.) sylcmykfs theme - .sylCMYK
6.) i just 8 a bit - XACKSECKS
7.) vippinf around (miami booty mix) - craphazzard
8.) badge deck - enaress
9.) Denwa Kun Kyon (Round Wave Crusher Remix)- Nasty Maid Grinder
10.) Summer Sky Stars - NGT
11.) Centerfold Daydream - NGT
12.) kichigai kana - onomatopeee
13.) jeep commander - dadfs pooves
14.) INTERMISSION - s( ‹v‹)Ê
15.) good for nothing - dj clonepa
16.) massems - misterCQNZR
17.) mutilate pt. vi - dj clonepa
18.) satoko torture techniques - goreshit
20.) P&M - MrChriddof
21.) ota fake floor shuffles - misterCQNZR
22.) cheka - FTFX
23.) raped by the ninja - goreshit
24.) UFOS (hardcore edit) - Shingo DJ
25.) get your pe-pe out - dadfs pooves
26.) kimchi holocaust - the shock technician
27.) outro - (`P¤P)`
ddl wktk
Listing track 22 as being from DQN 2010 was an amusing easter egg.
The explanation of VIP and DQN was great too. A fantastic release!
This is starting to resemble music
I'll be uploading a copy of it, as well as the other DQN Electronics and VIPtronic album releases later today.
Please be patient, for my connection isn't the greatest in the world.
Fresh upload!
A question: Do people really enjoy songs such as #12 (kichigai kana) and #26 (kimchi holocaust)? I just can't see how these could be enjoyable. They're just noise.
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I do. To enjoy it, though, you need to be open to the idea that all noise can be construed as music in an esoteric sense.
Music is the least disagreeable form of noise I have ever come across.
>>10 Noise is actually a genre, like there's power noise and harsh noise and power electronics.
I noticed that in volume 7, there were songs by No. 305 and Onomontopee.
Wondering if any VIPPERs knew what song this is, performed by –ì’†‚Ђä(I'm pretty sure that is her name). I've looked at other songs performed by her.
What are the vocals on Summer Sky Stars (track 10) from?
Parts of kimchi holocaust remind me of At Home With Alp which is an album full of noises from around the house mixed into something vaguely resembling music.
did anyone find the secret yet
He said "Do you enjoy it?" He never said anything about it being music. You enjoy it intellectually because of what you think it stands for or means or the feeling it gives you, but you don't enjoy it as harmonic and beautiful sound.
Maybe it's like watching static on TV and trying to find patterns and shapes amidst the noise.