Have you had anything good happen to you this week, or done anything fun, or done something nice for someone else?
I've been giving money and food to homeless people.
I've bu-ned at least 10 separate times in broad daylight in the last week alone.
I spend my weekends with friends and I'm happy pretty much all the time. I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a long while this weekend.
I gave my friend tips on how to defeat Garry Oak with only 3 Pokemon left at around half health and with very little PP left and only 4 hyper potions.
I went to the market and spent $10 on Haribo sweets.
I bought a nice hat then had tea and scones at a tearoom that turned out to be popular with cute Chinese girls.
Do tell! It's always good to hear people say good things about your motherland.
I baked a fancy hearing cake!
I confused Afro Ken with Cowboy Ken. Dogs are not Street Fighter Characters.
I made much more money than usual!
Too bad I had to work ridiculous hours to get it.