[Embarrassing] Hello, this is your mother [passive-aggressive] (29)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:25 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <Hello, Vipper. This is your mother. Why don't you call me more?
    \   ←―→ )/

2 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:27 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < Do you remember to use bleach when you wash your underwear?
    \   ←―→ )/ Don't be embarrassed; everyone gets really dark skid stains too.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:30 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < Don't you have a girlfriend yet? Are you one of the Gay? You know, it's okay if you are.
    \   ←―→ )/ I'm your mother and I'll still love you even though you're a sinner.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:33 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < Let's talk about masturbation. It's healthy to do it ay any age. Your father does it too.
    \   ←―→ )/

5 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:37 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <I'm just your poor, sick old mother. It's a shame you want to spend time with your
    \   ←―→ )/ harlot girlfriend instead of spend christmas with your poor old mother.
     \____/Well it's obvious that your priorities are and they're not family.
Well excuse me, if I just want to see my ONLY CHILD on the ONLY important holiday of the year.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:41 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <Hahaha, I remember when you would watch girl cartoons like sailormoon. You grew out of those japanese cartoons, right?
    \   ←―→ )/

7 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:45 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <I'm worried about you. Have you thought about a mail-order bride?
    \   ←―→ )/ My only wish is to see you start a family before I get too old and die.

8 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 10:45 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < I wish I could spend all my time doing nothing all day like you.
    \   ←―→ )/

9 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 11:00 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <oh, I'm so glad to hear that your harlot girlfriend dumped you!
    \   ←―→ )/

10 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 11:01 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <I don't care if you gain weight, but don't you think you're getting a little too fat?
    \   ←―→ )/

11 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 11:47 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <NO WIRE HANGERS EVER!!!!
    \   ←―→ )/

12 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 12:26 [Del]

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Variations on a theme! Variations on a theme!

13 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 13:36 [Del]

    (__) <ウンコー!!
   (`・∀・) .∧_∧
   と  ⊂彡☆)`Д´)>>12
   /  / ) と  とノ
  (__ノ._) / /  /

Let's see you come up with an original thread idea.

14 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 13:42 [Del]

I can't copy and paste well because I'm on a mobile phone, but "wouldnt you rather live with me and get a job instead of going to a university?" and "are you high?"

15 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 13:54 [Del]

High quality low volume theme variation threads are the best and funniest. This is why tablecat is inferior.

16 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 14:06 [Del]

     >   あなたの宿題をする!!!   <
      ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄

      (⌒Y⌒Y⌒)         (⌒Y⌒Y⌒)
     /\__/           \__/\
    /  /    \         /    \ \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;      ; ´.,,,,  .,,,,,  \  
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|      |~~ ̄!-「  ̄"|- |⌒)
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|      |"--∠, ,-ー′ 9) )
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  |      | / "ii" ヽ    |  )  
    \   ←―→ )/       \(←―→   /
     \____/          .\___/

17 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 17:00 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < Playing those videogames really makes you too aggressive.
    \   ←―→ )/    You should go play outside and ride your bike instead.

18 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 02:49 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < >>12,13,15 Stop bickering. Don't make me take my slipper off!
    \   ←―→ )/   

19 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 04:58 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <Have you thought about investing rather than buying action figures?
    \   ←―→ )/

20 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 10:13 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <Did you know that Nancy's son calls her everyday? It's a shame that my children never think of their poor, old mother
    \   ←―→ )/

21 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 10:32 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <oh god vipper help me it seems i have been cut in half by my own words whatever will i do now vipper please i don't want to go back there think of your dear old mother please for once it hurts so much oh god
    \   ←―→ )/

22 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 11:05 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <Something came for you in the mail. I hope you don't mind that I opened it.
    \   ←―→ )/

23 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 14:51 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <I'm really not liking the decor down here in the basement. Look at all your electronic hocus pocus.
    \   ←―→ )/

24 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 21:56 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <What happened? You used to be so bright, and then you quit your job to stay in bed all day and watch anime...
    \   ←―→ )/

25 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-03 00:55 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < No matter how bad it gets I'll always be there for you.
    \   ←―→ )/    Because things certainly seem to have been going bad for you lately!

26 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-03 07:03 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < Remember not to stay up later then 1:00
    \   ←―→ )/   

27 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-03 09:24 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? I remember when you were a toddler and you would get horrible diarrhea in if you didn't get enough fiber. Here, I bought you some metamucil. I use it too.
    \   ←―→ )/   

28 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-03 09:45 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | <And here is a picture of you sitting in a pile of your own poop. You were such a cute kid. I don't know what happened, Vipper.
    \   ←―→ )/   

29 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-16 10:39 [Del]

    /  /    \
    / /  ,,,,,、 ,,,,、ヽ;
 (⌒ /  ーi" ̄ フ‐! ̄~~|
 (  (6   `ー‐'、 ,ゝ--''|
 ( |    / "ii" ヽ  | < It has been a long time since you last bumped this thread, you know!
    \   ←―→ )/   
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