(; ´Д`) Um...okay...
I haven't talked to her in over a decade and don't have the slightest clue about contact info, plus it's been about that long since I listened to any metal. What should
I do?
Hire a detective to find her and then stalk her for some time and then conveniently bump into her and ask her out on a date (there's a small chance of this actually working...). Maybe she has a facebook account, since it seems like to "cool" thing to do, so if you remember her name you could probably search for it on that site
Well, now that all hope is lost, you might as well download some speed metal!
>>11 No! The angel clearly wants us to support speed metal artists by buying their cassettes.
I don't think I need to apologise!
Sure, how much do I have to pay you enough?
I am still a virgin. The speed metal is not on my computer but on a secondary external hard drive that is not connected at the moment.
Also "speed metal" is a vague term, and the metal in question could be argued to be a different form of metal.
hg is a good metal, i like it more than git
Personally, Ag is my favorite metal.
It really is amazing! Did you know that it keeps itself sterile? What a wonderful thing.
>>22, my ideal girlfriend has a case of Argyria. She does not have too much silver exposure, causing her skin to be a totally gray-blueish color, but instead she has only limited exposure (still more than a regular amount) and thus has beautiful skin with a blueish gray tint. This is the only way a girl can be truly beautiful and anyone else who doesn't believe me simply doesn't understand that true beauty comes the synthesis of humanity and silver.
For example, Silver on the periodic table is termed "Ag." You may not have noticed this, but "Argyria" also has "Ag" in it. This is a very special connection. Also Ag is number 47. People love the number 47 naturally due to the alignment of the four and seven (4 and 7 diconomostrophy). Also, the atomic weight is ~107.89. This is a very beautiful number and if I had an Argyria girlfriend I would call her 107.89ey or .89-chan for short.
Silver is cool!