Fusianasan in the name field for EXTRA VIP.
fusion asian
Breaking News: VIPPER more VIP than Husianasan.
/me yawns
I will repay my debt to SAoVQ with this fusianasan!
VIPPERs! Take my passion!
i had my first period yesterday
Thats pretty cool
Census time
post post
I feel naked
Why why why
this is almost as good as when we had the lorenz diener thread
I swear I've seen this thread before, twice.
I know what fusianasan does, but what does the word itself mean?
I'm not sure it does. (also, a test)
Not too much info there, but 「絶対ヤバい系やろw」 sounds about right.
I don't know much (any) japanese but apparently “fyujaneizan” also has something to do with it
The legend is that "fusianasan" was the password for some guy's cap that got found out, and soon after mysterious forces made it so that entering it in the name field would show your hostname and stop all the people pretending to be that guy.
Like >>20 I like to imagine he was trying to write "fusion asian", perhaps because he was half Japanese and half Chinese/Korean/etc., but fushiana is actually a word (a knothole).
>>21 Maybe it was something about the knothole of "fusion asians." Ho ho ho!
here we go
I do not want to bump, but I also wish to participate...
I think I'm not anonymous enough
I'll just put the same name as everyone in this thread so I'll be more anonymous
How exciting!
this is an awful lot of VIPPERs
DDoS incoming? I think so...
lets give this a try
We should've counted VIPPERs like this.
It's an unreliable method, but certainly more reliable than that other thread.
Anonymity is, like, sooooo '00s, man.
I am bringing this thread back.
Just imagine what a skilled HACKER could do with all this info!
Please don't hack me.
Consider yourself hacked. You have a lot of child porn, too.
Like hacking a bunch of VIPPER. Not exactly a worthwhile task.
How do I hack?
I don't understand this thread.
Have I posted here already.