Deleting stuff you don't need from your hard drive so that you can download more stuff that you don't need.
Also, compressing files in various formats in an attempt to find the one that compresses best, so that you can download more stuff that you don't need.
Having an external SATA dock and buying a new HD whenever I run out of space, resulting in a desk full of SATA drives of backups and data.
I... I hope I'm not alone on this one.
That rush of happiness you get when you feel the ground beneath your boots shiver as the mighty tree you just felled comes crashing down.
Sitting in the back of the car when you were a kid, pretending to be running down the road alongside it.
Sadly I have never experienced this, though my great-grandfather was a lumberjack so it is in my blood.
Making a "little guy" with your hand (the index and middle fingers are the legs) and "running" him down the hall in school, on the walls and on the railings.
Playing in boxes as a little kid and pretending they were something else.
I would always do that on the grocery store check-out conveyor counter.
Wow, my best friend and I were just talking about how we also did that as a kid. I also have my own hand creature where the middle and ring fingers are the legs and the pinky and index are the arms, but it's hard to do.
That's what I always did for the running hand-man, I thought it looked less strange than using the pointer and middle fingers. One leg always ends up considerably longer when you do it the other way...
That feeling when you want to do something enjoyable and you are too tired to do some basic preparation for that, even though you are perfectly aware that the ultimate enjoyment will outweigh the slight effort of the preparation.
Inversely to >11, that feeling when you are preparing something where the effort put in is much more rewarding than the final product because it is an experience of trial, error, and excitement, and that the final product is more of a trophy to bring out those memories of working on it.
I always imagined I was playing MEGA-CYCLIST 3000, riding a humble-looking bicycle with all sorts of secret powers, and doing all sorts of crazy maneuvers to keep up with the car.
I liked to make a guy where the index and ring fingers are legs, pinky and thumb are arms, and then the middle finger sticks out like a penis. Teehee
I always pretended that I was jumping down the road, using all of the shadows from trees and power lines and such as platforms. It was actually a really fun way to pass the time for long car rides...
Finding instant food forgotten in the microwave oven the next day
Having your enjoyment of a song ruined by some asshole who likes to sing along, or whistle.
Even worse are those who try to make synthesizer or electric guitar sounds with their mouths.
>>16 There are a select (and quite VIP) few who can pull off those vocal synth sounds. Good beatboxers, for example.
That feeling you should have gone to sleep five hours ago, accompanied by the knowledge you will feel horrible when you wake up, if you even manage to do so.
I did >>19 last night, and I have to work today too. BUT NO REGRETS!
Sometimes after I say something, I'll remember having said it twice upon recalling it later (sometimes a few seconds later, sometimes hours). I always worry that people think I have echolalia, but I can never be sure if I actually did say it twice, or if I'm just remembering it twice.
That feeling when you realize after saying something that you've already said it a few hours ago.
Thinking about something and then wondering if somebody else in the world is thinking about the same thing.
Making huge plans to stay up all night doing cool things, then falling asleep around midnight with a huge, half-full cup of coffee just across the room.
When people tell me about how they have trouble going to bed at night, I get a little wistful.
When you run up the stairs and halfway up, you begin running up on your hands and feet like a dog.
Refering to my computer as a 'she'.
Pretending your pens and/or pencils were spaceships and making them zoom around while you were bored out of your mind at your desk in elementary school
Stapling things to your arm to scare people in elementary school.
I superglued a warhammer 40k piece to my penis once(don't ask long story), and then I showed a friend pics(even longer story involing alcohol), and than he posted the pics online(just...nm okay).
So I can kind of relate.
@@@@@@@@@ i@LÍMj@ƒ@I super glued my left leg to my ass, does that count?
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riding a rollercoaster that you've ridden so much in the past that it's predictable and you imagine a rail shooter boss to fire homing lasers at to keep things interesting
alternatively, imagining this all the time
Reading manga, then reading a western comic right-to-left
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@@@@((.c(,_‚•‚•É i like to drink chocolate milk in the morning
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~installing final fantasy X
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every single day.
Reading old threads and failing to remember which posts were yours.
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letting SAoVQ run into my professional life.
Filling out text reply boxes on the front page but never really having any desire to post them.
I do this sometimes. Especially when it's late at night and I'm not sure whether something's VIP or just seems like it because I'm tired.
>>47,48 there are other boards of somewhat different QUALITY for the cutting room floor stuff, you know. No reason to let it go to waste, when it could go to our gold-loving middle-eastern admirees/nemeses.
I do this whenever I feel I'm writing something that I believe is stupid.
Also, I like pissing in the sink.
Imagine if everything you have never posted suddenly appeared...
What would you do???
Listening to music from the nineties and realizing that all the instruments you hear are actual guitars, drums and so forth, if amplified and perhaps FXed a bit.
I used to think that too. But, as far back as the early 80s, those "real" drums were actually from a Linndrum or a similar drum machine that used samples, and a lot of those other instruments were probably synthesizers that had been masterfully programmed to imitate their analogue counterparts.
Realizing that some things you previously thought might be untrue. ;_;
Being a spoilsport on an anonymous messageboard OQO
Reading the back of the shampoo (or whatever) bottle while you're on the toilet.
Yep, I always need something to read while I'm pooping, even if it's just two words over and over again.
That's why there's always a “ú–{Œê grammar book in my toilet.
Dunno about you guys, but when I'm pooping, I get the job done and get outta there. I don't have time to read.
I fall asleep with my pillow every night, only waking to the comfort of #saovq.
The only reason I would ever take a book with me to the toilet is if I should happen to run out of softer materials to wipe with. When I gotta go, I go, there's no time for doing anything else; and then half the time I dance around for a couple minutes because I ate too many chili peppers.
Brushing your teeth as you prepare to go to bed, then realizing that you are very hungry. I'm sorry, Mr. Teeth, but you know how Ms. Peanut Butter Sandwich makes me feel...
Afterward, trying to decide between brushing your teeth again or just going to bed with things the way they are.
Even worse, trying to figure out which one is better for your teeth! Of course, you need to remove the plaque and whatnot, but is it really acceptable to expose the gums to such vigorous scrubbings so often?
Going to the anime convention just to see the stereotypical types of people there, such as the fat yaoi fangirl and the wanna-be voice actor.
(¿ß ƒŽß)¿ Why aren't you wearing mittens?
„‹(`„DL„‹) Gloves work better. That's why.
(›£ß„Dß)›£ Brother! WHERE have you been all this time?
@|@MITTENS are better than sex !
@@@@@|@/@@@@@|@But sex with MITTENS is awesome !
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Did you say MITTENS? 'cos I could have swore you said MITTENS, what a terrible suggestion!!
Joining an international IRC channel and asking everyone what time it is
You are obviously living on a space station and unable to answer such questions, otherwise you wouldn't take offense at such a harmless comment!
When you're crossing the street and the green light is already flashing and someone else is crossing the street and you want to get to the pavement faster than that person so you're not the one blocking the cars when the light turns red.
Taking a shortcut across a lawn and feeling like you've done something bad
Reusing leftover milk from your cereal by putting it in your coffee, and feeling immensely satisfied.
Thinking of something funny and smiling at inappropriate times and then pretending to cough to cover it up.
I never lay in bed alone,
I have girlfriends from six years ago to fantasize about...
she is living a "life"....
Yes. A short walk away from the only person that matters. But she hates me.
She's the only person in two hours that I can maintain eye contact with.
I never lied in bed with hitler and i do not intend to do so.
I know how this feels. I don't like it when people in cars get angry at me for being too slow and I immediately start thinking about all the hateful things they think as they see me cross the road to get myself ready for any insults they might throw at me. ('A`)
>>90 I personally hate it when cars stop at stop signs, but in the goddamn cross walk.
Taking a huge, thick poop and feeling several pounds lighter!
And then eating the poop and pooping it out all over again, AGAIN!
Noticing that >>96 had EXPERT BBCODAN, so s/he's really just ashamed of him/herself.
Remembering whether your childhood friend's penis was cut or not because of pre-puberty experimentation
The satisfaction of having thoughly cleaned your house and knowledge that no other people will step foot in it to mess it up in any time soon.
The satisfaction of having throughly dirtied your house, and knowledge that no other person shall step foot in it to scoff at your uncleanliness.
>>104 The satisfaction of having done nothing in your house, and not getting off your seat to answer the door so that no other person could criticize your lack of effort.
The satisfaction of being ejaculated inside
I suspect we might have a spy within our midst.
>>100 oh dude when I was a little kid my male friends would always try to show me their "weiners" too, and they'd pull down their pants and say that if I didn't they'd scream rape, or sometimes they would tell my parents that I tried to bite off their "weiners" after I made them take off their pants, which weirded me out (why would someone stick their mouth on that thing? pee comes out of there!) also once this kid made me take off my clothing at his birthday party or he'd tell his parents that I said "the f-word". I didn't even know about the word fuck back then but I did it and then everyone laughed at me and the first kid started hitting me. he also tried to get me to lick his anus. I would get in trouble a lot at school and I'd also be bullied a lot when I was a young child. It's such a bad feeling.
>the feeling of being picked on
Sitting in front of your computer while forcing yourself to laugh at things to avoid the feeling of loneliness and emptiness.
Looking at a mess on the floor.
Sheepishly cleaning up your mess after having stared at it for a bit.
Finishing a 15 hour long video game in two sittings.
Going to the arcade and looking at the reflection on the monitor between stages/rounds to in case anyone's looking at you play (and losing your concentration if they are).
Running out of kimchi.
The feeling in your stomach when you can't wait to wake up early the next day and continue living a fulfilling life.
We go grocery shopping and then wait for the bus, but some guy keeps looking at us at the bus stop and at the grocery store. For some reason we think he might be a Vipper (One of us is wearing a saovq shirt). He sits behind us in the bus and finally asks, "where did you get that kimchi?" instead of "are you a Vipper?". We go home and feel silly that everything reminds us of Saovq.
There are SAOVQ shirts? You gotta link!
I think that DADDY COOL should set up some SAOVQ/2ch English shirt store, but that's silly.
They were a very small printing run done two years ago, if I remember correctly. You had to purchase by email.
Kidneys failing
My kidneys felt like that this morning. I drank too much last night orz
I have abdominal pains all the time, so I drink until it goes away.
Being old enough to finally jerk off to porn about silicone blondes, as though it was 1997 again
I've acquired the bad habit of imitating ship thruster sounds because of Battlezone.
You're ten seconds away from AAA'ing a really hard Stepmania song when your concentration slips because you thought about how pointless it is to play a video game this much.
Listening and imitating the dance parts of the opening to Lucky Star in your room.
Reading pornography without the faintest intent to masturbate
Walking around your apartment singing Super Eurobeat songs, then getting embarrassed when you notice your dog staring at you.
Dying at the 8th hour of your new no-death run attempt of Demon's Souls, with a sharp pain in your left index finger!
Being ever so subtly annoyed when someone uses the term "MP3" instead of "MP3-player".
Being ever so unsubtly annoyed when someone uses the term "wiki" instead of "Wikipedia".
Not caring about other people's peeves and purposely using them to piss them off.
I like to listen to my mp3 when I am vandalizing a wiki page. R( LÍM)ƒm
Gradually saving enough of your meds by only taking half doses so you can fufill your plan to kill yourself with a little dignity on New Years day.
This post has piqued my curiosity. Why New Year's? Why the half-assed overdose plan? Why not just throw yourself under a bus or use some other method that will guarantee that you die?
You don't sound entirely serious about it, to be honest.
Not partaking in meta conversation!
Pushing out a very successful and clean poop! You feel like a champion for unloading, what feels like, three pounds of raw excrement from your anus! YOU GO, VIPPER!
Forcing yourself to start working out.
Forcing yourself to stop working out because your muscles are about to blow!
Forcing yourself to stop writing code because you're fucking tired of regular expressions!
Taking the last post and altering it slightly!
Taking the last post and modifying it a little!
Taking the previous post and changing it slightly!
Poaching a drain of carroted brots!
roasting a train full or brats!
Taking the previous poster and slaying him mightily!
Taking the previous horse and making him bray and neigh!
Hearing 'pseudo' and thinking 'sudo'.
That sure was an embarrassing conversation.
Finding a molten mess that used to be a chocolate waffle in your pants' pocket and noting how it tastes better than usual.
Getting bored in the middle of the day and going to lay in bed only to find that you're crying.
I've done that before. I've also ended up just falling asleep afterward.
Wondering if there has been some activity outside of the bump thread.
When you're waiting in a line somewhere only you're not actually waiting but doing something else and someone comes and asks if he can come in and you say sure I'm not in the line and he just waits outside and you believe he misunderstood and with every moment it becomes more awkward to say that he can come in.
On the subject of awkward line situations, one time i went to the supermarket, and when i got to the line, there was a grocery bag in front of me. I waited for the person to return and when she did, she asked me "sorry, where you already on the line?".
Now, the thing is, due to my programming course, i had be recently working with stacks, and for some reason I assumed the queue was a stack. So I thought "last in first out" and said "yes" although it was a blatant lie.